Life can get stressful. Yes, even as a second semester senior. It's important that we give ourselves small little adventures to get away. It doesn't take a week off, a plane to somewhere foreign, or spending thousand of dollars to have an adventure. One of my favorite ways to get away is to go on little hikes that are free and can be done in the day.
With midterms coming to an end and a super long weekend, my boyfriend and I were feeling a bit drained. On Sunday morning, my boyfriend suggested that we head off to a park. There is a small park about twenty minutes from our college, so we drove off there for a two hour hike.
The hike itself wasn't special and didn't really come to a view and wasn't especially strenuous. I even did it in my converse and mom jeans. What made it special was who I was with and making sure to stay fully present. We talked about graduation plans, places we'd like to live, and just goofed around. It was a perfect Sunday stroll and it really allowed us both to clear our heads and spend quality time with each other.
The moral of the story is to go on more adventures and stop waiting around for something bigger. Be fully present in the moment around the ones that you love and even a walk in the park can turn into an adventure. Visit a local coffee shop, go on a long walk, paint a little photo, whatever you do make the most of your time and enjoy the little things. Your next adventure could be right around the corner.
If you want to check out some adventures near you, you can check out the site The Outbound Collective. The hike that Parker and I went on was listed on this site under Chester and I really want to start doing more of these adventures. Wherever you go, stay fully present and celebrate every moment.